Method to extract water on Mars || With Pictures

Hey guys as I have already mentioned in my previous posts there are underground ice glaciers in the Hellas Plantia region of Mars. Which has an atmospheric pressure of 1.16 Kilopascals which near to the lowest pressure water can exist but the temperature in the region is below zero because of which water cannot exist there. But it is possible that water ice can be taken from underground to the HABITAT without exposing it into the atmosphere i.e. preventing it from freezing.


  • Well first a tube will be put inside the ground which will heat the water ice
  • Then the water ice from the region subjected to heat will melt 
  • Then another tube will be put inside that will transport the water back to the HABITAT 
  • Then from the water prechlorates will be removed,prechlorate is a chlorine which is considered hazardous 
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