How deadly is the radiation on Mars
In the previous post we talked about in whichregion of Mars should astronauts live but in this post we will talk aboutRadiation on Planet mars.
Well as Mars has a thin atmosphere and no belts like van Allen Belts on earththere is very high radiation on planet Mars which can increase the risk ofcancer on Mars but how much chances of cancer would be there on Mars ?
How much radiation does mars receive ?
Well radiation on Mars differs from region to region the best thing is that theUtopia Plantia where we think the astronauts should build their base campsreceives the lowest radiation 10 rems per year as you can see in this radiation mapmesurements by the Mars radiation environment experiment, an instrument onNASA's Mars 2000 Odyssey spacecraft, plus information about Mars' surfaceelevations from the laser altimeter instrument on NASA's Mars Global Surveyor below
which is equal to the radiation received by astronauts in 6 monthsInternational Space Station. However as per the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)Curiosity’s data a 180 day transit to Mars the astronauts would be exposed to30 Rem of radiation the astronauts will receive same amount of radiation onspending 500 days on Mars but how much increase would be there in the risk ofcancer ? Well if a person receives 25 Rem of radiation then the risk of canceris increased by 1% and 2 180 days trip to mars + 500 days on mars = 90 Rem ofradiation increasing the chance of cancer by 3.72% as per curiosity’s data butif we take the data of the Mars Radiation Map then it would increase thechances of cancer on spending 500 days or 16 months on Mars in the region ofUtopia Plantia he will the chances of cancer would be increased by about 0.53 %only also the radiation map showed radiation of different-different regionswhile the Curiosity is exploring a particular region of planet of Mars. Howeveron doing further studying of the map I found that the radiation levels aroundGale Crater are 14 Rem to 16 Rem as compared to Utopia Plantia’s radiationexposure of 10 Rem and also ground based research is always the best and alsothe research was done with the latest equipments as well more or less thechances of cancer is not that high on Mars then what is the issue ? Well thechances are not that high for a explorartion mission but they are very high fora Colonization of the Planet as colonization means living on Mars not for justa short time but forever if there is no way to return back and if the chancesof cancer increases by 0.50 to 1 % annually for astronauts this means thatthere is a very high chance of getting cancer plus the radiation levels canincrease like september 2017 a strong blast from the sun sparked a aurora onMars which doubled the radiation levels on Mars.But a good thing is that NASA is working on finding a material that can shieldastronauts from deadly radiation on Mars and also from the radiation that theastronauts will receive on a trip to mars. We hope that a material to shieldastronauts from the radiation on Mars would be found soon.
Note- In the previous post I wrote that i would post about a way on how toextract water from the region of Utopia Plantia region on Mars well sorry tosay but I would post it on the end of the month. Sorry for Inconvinience
Instagram @astrophysicist_andleeb @space_eye78
Twitter @AndleebAtal
Snapchat @theeinsteinguy
In the previous post we talked about in whichregion of Mars should astronauts live but in this post we will talk aboutRadiation on Planet mars.
Well as Mars has a thin atmosphere and no belts like van Allen Belts on earththere is very high radiation on planet Mars which can increase the risk ofcancer on Mars but how much chances of cancer would be there on Mars ?
How much radiation does mars receive ?
Well radiation on Mars differs from region to region the best thing is that theUtopia Plantia where we think the astronauts should build their base campsreceives the lowest radiation 10 rems per year as you can see in this radiation mapmesurements by the Mars radiation environment experiment, an instrument onNASA's Mars 2000 Odyssey spacecraft, plus information about Mars' surfaceelevations from the laser altimeter instrument on NASA's Mars Global Surveyor below
which is equal to the radiation received by astronauts in 6 monthsInternational Space Station. However as per the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)Curiosity’s data a 180 day transit to Mars the astronauts would be exposed to30 Rem of radiation the astronauts will receive same amount of radiation onspending 500 days on Mars but how much increase would be there in the risk ofcancer ? Well if a person receives 25 Rem of radiation then the risk of canceris increased by 1% and 2 180 days trip to mars + 500 days on mars = 90 Rem ofradiation increasing the chance of cancer by 3.72% as per curiosity’s data butif we take the data of the Mars Radiation Map then it would increase thechances of cancer on spending 500 days or 16 months on Mars in the region ofUtopia Plantia he will the chances of cancer would be increased by about 0.53 %only also the radiation map showed radiation of different-different regionswhile the Curiosity is exploring a particular region of planet of Mars. Howeveron doing further studying of the map I found that the radiation levels aroundGale Crater are 14 Rem to 16 Rem as compared to Utopia Plantia’s radiationexposure of 10 Rem and also ground based research is always the best and alsothe research was done with the latest equipments as well more or less thechances of cancer is not that high on Mars then what is the issue ? Well thechances are not that high for a explorartion mission but they are very high fora Colonization of the Planet as colonization means living on Mars not for justa short time but forever if there is no way to return back and if the chancesof cancer increases by 0.50 to 1 % annually for astronauts this means thatthere is a very high chance of getting cancer plus the radiation levels canincrease like september 2017 a strong blast from the sun sparked a aurora onMars which doubled the radiation levels on Mars.But a good thing is that NASA is working on finding a material that can shieldastronauts from deadly radiation on Mars and also from the radiation that theastronauts will receive on a trip to mars. We hope that a material to shieldastronauts from the radiation on Mars would be found soon.
Note- In the previous post I wrote that i would post about a way on how toextract water from the region of Utopia Plantia region on Mars well sorry tosay but I would post it on the end of the month. Sorry for Inconvinience
Instagram @astrophysicist_andleeb @space_eye78
Twitter @AndleebAtal
Snapchat @theeinsteinguy
Well as Mars has a thin atmosphere and no belts like van Allen Belts on earththere is very high radiation on planet Mars which can increase the risk ofcancer on Mars but how much chances of cancer would be there on Mars ?
How much radiation does mars receive ?
Well radiation on Mars differs from region to region the best thing is that theUtopia Plantia where we think the astronauts should build their base campsreceives the lowest radiation 10 rems per year as you can see in this radiation mapmesurements by the Mars radiation environment experiment, an instrument onNASA's Mars 2000 Odyssey spacecraft, plus information about Mars' surfaceelevations from the laser altimeter instrument on NASA's Mars Global Surveyor below
which is equal to the radiation received by astronauts in 6 monthsInternational Space Station. However as per the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)Curiosity’s data a 180 day transit to Mars the astronauts would be exposed to30 Rem of radiation the astronauts will receive same amount of radiation onspending 500 days on Mars but how much increase would be there in the risk ofcancer ? Well if a person receives 25 Rem of radiation then the risk of canceris increased by 1% and 2 180 days trip to mars + 500 days on mars = 90 Rem ofradiation increasing the chance of cancer by 3.72% as per curiosity’s data butif we take the data of the Mars Radiation Map then it would increase thechances of cancer on spending 500 days or 16 months on Mars in the region ofUtopia Plantia he will the chances of cancer would be increased by about 0.53 %only also the radiation map showed radiation of different-different regionswhile the Curiosity is exploring a particular region of planet of Mars. Howeveron doing further studying of the map I found that the radiation levels aroundGale Crater are 14 Rem to 16 Rem as compared to Utopia Plantia’s radiationexposure of 10 Rem and also ground based research is always the best and alsothe research was done with the latest equipments as well more or less thechances of cancer is not that high on Mars then what is the issue ? Well thechances are not that high for a explorartion mission but they are very high fora Colonization of the Planet as colonization means living on Mars not for justa short time but forever if there is no way to return back and if the chancesof cancer increases by 0.50 to 1 % annually for astronauts this means thatthere is a very high chance of getting cancer plus the radiation levels canincrease like september 2017 a strong blast from the sun sparked a aurora onMars which doubled the radiation levels on Mars.
Note- In the previous post I wrote that i would post about a way on how toextract water from the region of Utopia Plantia region on Mars well sorry tosay but I would post it on the end of the month. Sorry for Inconvinience
Instagram @astrophysicist_andleeb @space_eye78
Twitter @AndleebAtal
Snapchat @theeinsteinguy
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